2019 Central Texas Dyslexia Conference -Your Story is Your Strength

The Central Texas Dyslexia Conference is held each year in October, which is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Each year the event brings together parents, educators,  and community leaders to learn how to best support the academic and emotional needs of students with dyslexia.


$5,501.00 donated
$10,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 31, 2019 Campaign ended on October 31, 2019

Give Today to Support Dyslexic Learners

The fifth annual Central Texas Dyslexia Conference is scheduled for October 19, 2019 and will bring together teachers, parents, education leaders and advocates. Join AISD for a free conference bringing together leaders in education, teachers, researchers, parents and advocates to learn how to help students with dyslexia develop their strengths and overcome their obstacles in our public schools. A strengths-based approach is critical in helping students build the motivation, resilience and self-confidence needed to reach their full potential inside the classroom and beyond.

Registration will be open soon!! 

Conference Website: 


Support the 2019 Austin Dyslexia Conference

Help students with dyslexia and related learning differences excel in the classroom. Funds raised for the Central Texas Dyslexia Conference will enhance the education of dyslexic students by providing resources and skills to transform learning in the classroom. Your investment in the 2019 Central Texas Dyslexia Conference will educate parents and teachers about dyslexia and what we can do together to support student success.


Every Donation Makes a Difference!

You can help! Donations of any amount keep this conference free and open to the public while shining the spotlight on best practices for dyslexic students. 


Conference Details

Keynote Speaker, Don M. Winn, is an award-winning author, speaker, radio show host, dyslexia advocate. As a person with dyslexia, who well knows the challenge of learning to love to read, Don's goal is to write books for children that are so engaging they will entice even the most reluctant or struggling reader.

Breakout presentation sessions by Microsoft, with additional breakout sessoins to be announced soon.

A donation does not register you for the conference.

Want to give an amount not shown as an option? Click Give to type in a custom donation amount.

Conference will be held at the AISD Performing Arts Center
1500 Barbara Jordan Blvd.
Austin, TX 78723

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$0 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (7)
Non-profit Exhibitor - $300 (limited space for 16 total exhibitors)
1918 days ago

This is payment for sponsorship and exhibitor table at the Central TX Dyslexia Conference.

Dyslexia Superhero - $1,500
1941 days ago
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes
Exhibitor - $500 for for-profit companies (limited space for 16 total exhibitors)
1952 days ago
Mary Bach
Non-profit Exhibitor - $300 (limited space for 16 total exhibitors)
1960 days ago
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