2023 Sun Valley High School Girl's Soccer

Please help our program raise funds for training gear, meals, senior gifts, and other day to day operations

$2,585.00 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 07, 2023 Campaign ended on April 07, 2023

Pleaes help support our lady spartans! With that being said, we are wanting to raise money for our women's soccer program here at Sun Valley.  The funds that are rasied will help our program purchase items such as training equipment, team gear, and other things to help with our day to day operations.  Also, this will allow for us to purchase senior gifts for the 2023 season.  

Any amount will be appraciated and used to benifit our players and program.  Without the support of our community the players would not be able to have the experiacne that they have.  So we thank you as a program in advance. 

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$5726 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (10)
Robert Tomalis

On behalf of Anabeth Tomalis

567 days ago
Gayle Macfarlane

Love you Hannah! Love Gramps and Grandma

568 days ago
Brian Schleicher

On behalf of Hailey Schleicher - Go Spartans!

568 days ago
Stephanie Cheatwood

For Hannah and the team, from Nana and Pop pop

569 days ago

On behalf of Anabeth

569 days ago
Robyn Macfarlane

Hannah Macfarlane

569 days ago
jennifer inscoe

Go team!

570 days ago
Stephanie Cheatwood

Good luck, Hannah Macfarlane and team!

570 days ago

On Behalf of Sandra A.

570 days ago
Laura Chavez

On behalf of Carolina Chavez

570 days ago
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