3rd Grade Discovery Cube Orange County
$3,058.16 donated
$3,900.00 goal
Campaign ends on November 30, 2023 Campaign ended on November 30, 2023


Our 3rd grade classes are heading to the Discovery Cube for the Roots and Fruits fieldtrip! Students will have the opportunity to connect science learned and problem solve with interactive hands-on play. Students will leave OPA-SV at 9:00am on Tuesday, November 7th and return to the school around 2:30pm. Children will need to bring a sack lunch. Cost per student is $42. Thank you for supporting our champions!

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$51554.95 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (31)
Nghia Truong

Aydan Truong

Heather Coons

Heather Coons - Chaperone

isabel duong

Alice Jackson

Yoolim Shin

Logan Shin + Chaperone

Carlos Chacaliaza

Emily Chacaliaza - Ms. Peck

Cecille MManaay

Grant Manaay and Chaperone

Rachael Davis


Anita Bhorapkar

Itamar Neustaedter

Criseone Trimble

Patrick Trimble chaperone

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