4th Grade Mission San Juan Capistrano
$2,562.09 donated
$2,765.00 goal
Campaign ends on November 30, 2023 Campaign ended on November 30, 2023


Our 4th graders have the opportunity to tour the Mission San Juan Capistrano on Thursday, November 30th! The buses will leave OPA-SV at 8:45am and return before the school day ends. Cost per student is $32. Thank you for your contribution to our champions!

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$51554.95 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (31)
Priya Sankar (on behalf of Tara Sankar)

For Tara Sankar

Jazmen vincent (on behalf of Natalie Vincent)
Gloria (on behalf of Marc Rivera)
Leslie Smith (on behalf of Fox Sharaf)
Julie Ermilus (on behalf of Dwayne Telfort)

Chaperone donation fee.

Suzie Crawford (on behalf of Luke Crawford)

Luke (and chaperone)

Edwin Vasquez (on behalf of Jackson Vasquez)

Jackson Vasquez

Kimerly Prince (on behalf of Grayson Prince)
Jessi Hernandez (on behalf of Dylan Felix )

On behalf of Dylan Felix “Dj”

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