My name is Luis Reséndiz and I am a first grade Dual Language teacher at Ridgetop Elementary. I am raising funds to purchase resources that will support the educational needs of our students. 

I ask for your monetary support as I run 50 miles around my apartment complex in less than 8 hours.

Project by: Mr. Reséndiz


Sophia Callens

May 15, 2:56pm


It is all about the kids!

Buen trabajo Luis!! Me encanta tu actitud gracias por ayudar a los niños.

Wai Lau-Suárez

May 15, 2:37pm


It is all about the kids!

Go Mr. Reséndiz! Somos Ridgetop


May 15, 2:35pm


It is all about the kids!

Juan Manuel Senties

May 15, 2:30pm


It is all about the kids!

Great cause!

Lauren Ramirez

May 15, 2:20pm


It is all about the kids!

Thank you!

Roberto Hosking

May 15, 2:05pm



Mis respetos Maestro, por mas gente como usted en el mundo de la enseñanza. Nuestra admiracion, los abuelos de Piia & Mila Gahr Hosking

James Harrington

May 15, 2:04pm


It is all about the kids!

I admire dedicated teachers, and my grandkids go Ridgetop

Francisco and Belia Cantu

May 15, 1:59pm


It is all about the kids!

To help the students at Ridgetop, especially our grandkids: Abraham, Benjamin, and Mila Garcia.


May 15, 1:56pm


It is all about the kids!

All the best to you and the kiddos!

Sarah Blue

May 15, 1:55pm


It is all about the kids!



156 backers

It is all about the kids!

You are awesome!