50 Miles for their smiles


My name is Luis Reséndiz and I am a First Grade Dual Language Teacher at Ridgetop Elementary. I am raising funds to purchase resources that will support the educational needs of our students. 

I ask for your monetary support as I run 50 miles around Ridgetop Community area in Austin, TX in less than 8 hours.

$13,226.00 donated
$12,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 15, 2021 Campaign ended on May 15, 2021


"50 miles for their smiles¨ is a fundraising project that promotes the culture and values of Ridgetop Elementary School, a Dual Language school in Austin.

This campaign will be launched on April 30th (Mexico's Children´s Day) when I will attempt to run 50 miles in less than 8 hours around the community in Austin, TX.

The goal is to collect funds for these wonderful kids to support their educational needs. 

Students will be different next year, and we will need lots of resources to aid their self regulation and whole child learning. I am asking for your support during these critical times to help the most valuable assets of this planet: the kids! 

All of your contribution will go directly to the classrooms. The goal is to equip students with biliteracy resourcesflexible seatingclassroom supplies and class activities that support the varied facets of their learning needs. 
Sponsors like you make an impact in the lives of children in need and their
communities. Help us give them a brighter future together.
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Lisa Kmiec

My niece love Ridgetop!

We appreciate you this much!
1328 days ago
Luzdary Montoya
1330 days ago
Joaquin Gloria

I love Ridgetop & all the folks there!

We appreciate you this much!
1330 days ago
Emily Arreaza
We appreciate you this much!
1331 days ago
1331 days ago

I'm inspired by your Sisyphean effort! Show that loop who's boss!

1331 days ago
Adrian Amaya

Thank you for all you do!!

1331 days ago
We appreciate you this much!
1331 days ago
Colleen Williams
1331 days ago
Joshua Gleich
We appreciate you this much!
1331 days ago
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