5th Grade Field Trip

We are hoping to raise funds to send our 5th grade students to McKinney Roughs ropes course. This will be an exciting way for students to celebrate all of their accomplishments throughout the year and promote team building. 

$1,070.00 donated
$2,520.00 goal
Campaign ends on February 09, 2018 Campaign ended on February 09, 2018

The 5th grade students at Pleasant Hill Elementary, a Title 1 school located  in South Austin, are hoping to attend McKinney Roughs high ropes course as a team building activity and celebrate all of the accomplishments and achievements the students have earned throuhgout the year. The fundraising goal for this field trip is $2,520. Many of our students are economically disadvantaged and will struggle to pay the fee to attend. We are wanting every student to be able to participate. Your donation is much appreciated!  

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Rhonda Lawrence
2527 days ago
2535 days ago
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