5th Grade: Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center Camp
$33,548.05 donated
$43,500.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 30, 2023 Campaign ended on April 30, 2023

The mission of the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center is to serve all youth of Orange County by providing quality outdoor educational programs that instill in them an appreciation for the outdoors and the environment, teach effective teamwork, instruct about the cultural history of Orange County, and provide access to the natural resources of the surrounding areas. Students will depart on April 10th and return to OPA on April 12th. The cost for this field trip is $435.00 per student. A payment plan is available: 1st payment of $245 due on March 1st and the final balance ($190) is due on March 20th. Pleae contact your professor with any questions!

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$40576.65 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (32)
Charlene Novales (on behalf of Catherine Abigail Yang)

Catherine Abigail Yang

664 days ago
Elizabeth Freiler (on behalf of Kalix Freiler)
664 days ago
Caroline Lee (on behalf of Jacob Lee)
665 days ago
Emma Holder (on behalf of Douglas Holder)
666 days ago
Lotti Helber (on behalf of Layna Helber)

Layna Helber Deposit - Mrs. Baney’s class

666 days ago
Jessica Estrada (on behalf of John Estrada)

John Estrada (5th grade Lopez)

667 days ago
Kate Trang Ito (on behalf of Cameron Ito)

For Cameron Ito

669 days ago
Dora Orozco (on behalf of Behnam Abadian)

Behnam Abadian

669 days ago
Elaine Kyle (on behalf of Zoe Kyle)

For Zoe Kyle Irvine Camp - Ms. Baney

670 days ago
Katherine Lyle (on behalf of James Lyle)
673 days ago
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