Thank you for entrusting your child’s Jewish religious education to Agudas Achim Congregation. Over the past few years, and working in tandem with parents and families, Agudas Achim Congregation’s youth and religious school programs have flourished and expanded. Just in the past three years, with the guidance and energy of Chaya Silver, the education and youth director since 2014, we have augmented youth Shabbat and High Holiday programs, developed and incorporated more social, community giving, and cultural programs, and increased programming for our youngest children.
Now we come to you to ask for your help to continue with that mission. Because Religious School tuition only makes up about half of the expenses of running our vibrant program, the congregation generously provides the remainder. To help sustain this funding, the Religious School has an annual fundraising obligation of at least $4,500 this year.
We are not asking you to buy tickets or to attend a function; rather, we are looking for you to simply donate what you can on behalf on the Religious School.
These funds will support needs and activities such as:
· Salaries for our wonderful teachers
· Arts and craft supplies for our kids
· Textbooks and education materials
· Holiday celebrations for students
· Exciting and educational field trips
· And more!
Please consider making a donation of $50 or more. If everyone gives, we can easily meet our obligation, helping secure essential funds for your children’s religious school education. Please use either this site to make a donation, or you may donate by check to Agudas Achim Congregation, 2908 Valley Drive, Alexandria VA, 22302. If you donate by check, please add "Religious School Fundraiser" on the memo line.
Please help us reach our obligation by sending your donation by March 10, the Friday before Purim.
To make your efforts and donations go even further, please share the link to our fundraiser with family and friends, too.
Thank you for your support!
David Weingart and Amy Kaminski on behalf of The Youth and Religious School Committee
If you have any questions, please contact Rachael Fried at rachaelfried@gmail.com.
Thank you for all you do to provide a rich Jewish education for our kids!