AustinFlo Feminine Hygiene Dispensers

We are three Austin High School seniors working to raise money to purchase feminine hygiene dispensers for our school's bathrooms. Improved access to these products will ensure that everyone can have access to a quality education, without having to worry about the challenges their period brings.

Project by: AGS Capstone


Jennie Bennett

Apr 09, 10:52pm


Roll of Quarters

I want girls to have what they need so that they can get the most out of their education!

Shea Jones

Apr 09, 5:50pm



Kathryn Dawson

Apr 08, 6:36am


Roll of Quarters

What a fantastic campaign ladies! I'm so proud that our future leaders have the ambition, empathy, and awareness to launch a project to fill such a necessity for their peers. Keep fighting for what you believe in!

Jodi Schreiner

Apr 07, 7:32pm



Abby Kirchner

Apr 07, 2:58pm



I HATED having to go to the nurse for a pad. The embarrassment was unreal, so I applaud your (genius!) efforts to fix such a ridiculous problem.

Rachel Lammer

Apr 07, 2:50pm



This is a fantastic project!

Deborah Tate

Apr 07, 12:35pm


Roll of Quarters

Susana Rangel

Apr 07, 11:15am



I'm giving in the memory of fourteen year old me and the anxiety, shame and embarassment I felt about my period. I want it to be different for young women today.

Suzanna Choffel

Apr 07, 11:06am



Because I can't tell you how many times I was stuck with no feminine products in high school & I have a 17 year old step-daughter who has probably encountered the same problem and a 2 year old daughter who will probably encounter it at some point. Y'all rock for doing this!


Apr 07, 7:15am





3 backers



8 backers

Roll of Quarters