Black Student Alliance Fundraiser
$443.72 donated
$1,500.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 28, 2023 Campaign ended on April 28, 2023

We have recently created a Black Student Alliance (BSA) at Crockett High School as a way to highlight and amplify the small community of African American students on our campus. Our mission is to provide Black students and allies a community, courageous space, and the opportunity to create change in their community and beyond. Our goal is to help bring awareness of cultural awareness, cultural celebration and cultural sensitivity to our students.  

      We are hosting meetings during lunch and after school on our campus and are looking for more enticing ways to keep students engaged by providing meals during meetings, community outings and finding ways to help support our students become strong, positive contributors and leaders in the community. 
      All donations will go directly to the organization and will help not only our students, but also help build the community. 
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652 days ago
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