CHS Choir Mid-Winter Trip to Nashville

We are raising funds to help lower the cost of the BHS Mid-winter Trip to Nashville for each CHS choir student. 

You can read more about it here:

$2,525.00 donated
$60,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on January 04, 2019 Campaign ended on January 04, 2019

The Chandler High Choir students are going to Nashville!!!

The CHS Men's Choir and Treblemakers are going to Nashville in January for the Barbershop Harmony Society 2019 Midwinter - Next Generation Junior Chorus Festival. 

This is the ONLY trip the students will be taking this school year and, WOW what a trip!

They will be staying at the spectacular Opryland Hotel and will be performing at the Grand Old Opry House...a once in a lifetime oportunity for most!

This fundrasing campaign was set up to help lower the cost of the trip for each student

Family & friends can choose several amounts to donate even up to the full trip cost which is $750!

Can't give $25?  Don't worry! Click on the $25 donation and you will be able to enter any dollar amount you wish to donate.

IMPORTANT: Please indicate which choir student's trip you are donating to so we can make sure the money gets credited to them.  Indicate "no name" if you are donating to the general fund.

Thank you for your generous support!

CHS Choral Arts Booters

Please share this campaign via email, Facebook and Twitter to help us reach our goal!

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Veronica Russell
2341 days ago
Thomas Carter

To support my granddaughter

2363 days ago
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