Cuthbertson Women's Soccer
$7,735.00 donated
$7,500.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 07, 2023 Campaign ended on March 07, 2023

The Cuthbertson Women's Soccer program strives to foster a team-oriented environment where players can bring their own unique skills to the field to unite as one team. The program exists upon the foundation of passionate and dedicated students, and we work hard to provide top-tier opportunities to contribute to growth and new skill sets that will set them apart from the rest both on and off the field. To continue supporting our athletes, we are asking for your help! Donating will assist us in providing funds for travel and new equipment (soccer balls, nets, small sided goals, etc.) and will help support a positive atmosphere where students will make memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you for your donation, Go Cavs!

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$48956 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (40)

Karlee Benz

661 days ago
Ann Marie Coleman

Best of luck for a great season!

661 days ago
Ann Marie Coleman

Best of luck for a great season!

661 days ago
Gaither Keener

Katherine Keener

661 days ago
Christen Canamare

Madi Canamare

662 days ago
Clay Connolly

Addison Connolly

663 days ago
Michelle Sponsel
667 days ago
Scott Breslin

Savanna Breslin

667 days ago
Tracy Gonzalez
667 days ago
Amy Ratterree
667 days ago
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