Cuthbertson Women's Volleyball
$2,350.00 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 13, 2023 Campaign ended on October 13, 2023

The women's volleyball team at Cuthbertson High School is raising funds to support the program this season and all future seasons.  There are so many benefits to being a student athlete and being a part of a school based program that donations like these help provide.  All money raised will be used to support the volleyball program including travel to and from games, tournament fees, equipment, and more.  Any amount donated is greatly appreciated and goes a long way in supporting our student athletes.  

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$48956 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (40)
Martha Cannon

Supporting my granddaughter, Emily and the sport she loves.

484 days ago
christy Nerell

Let's Go Cavs!

484 days ago
George Conner

Kira Nerell. Love the grand kids

485 days ago
John Cushing
485 days ago

Go Cavs!!!

485 days ago
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