Florence Basketball Fundraiser

This campaign is being done to raise money for basketball and tournament fees, equipment, and team gear for the 2021 season.  Due to the pandemic we are unable to do any of our normal fundraisers.  

$4,500.00 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on January 29, 2021 Campaign ended on January 29, 2021

This campaign is being done to raise money for basketball and tournament fees, equipment, and team gear for the 2021 season.  Due to the pandemic we are unable to do any of our normal fundraisers.  This includes our concession stand during home basketball games.  

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$0 raised across all campaigns
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Marissa Koselke-Bell (on behalf of Elijah Leigh)
Stephanie Vazquez (on behalf of Isaiah Lopez)
Lorne & Angela Peters (on behalf of Daniel Peters)

We are so proud of you son!

Kelly White (on behalf of Tony Bradeen, Brian Madden)

Merry Christmas Katie!

Tamara Andrews (on behalf of Daniel Peters)

Daniel I donated since I cant help you like last year good luck.

Caleb Whalen (on behalf of Jordan Napoleon)
Joseph Gonzales (on behalf of Antonio Gonzales)

Love you son

Michelle Gomez (on behalf of Antonio Gonzales)
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