Fremd Boys Basketball Fundraiser
$4,640.14 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on December 01, 2022 Campaign ended on December 01, 2022

Hello Fremd Hoops Friends and Family!

Welcome to our 2022-23 fundraiser!  This is the first time since the 2019 season that we have held a fundraiser, and we need your help!

Our entire program is very excited about our current 2022-23 season.

After winning the 18th Regional Title in program history last year, Varsity opens the 2022-23 campaign at the Fenton Thanksgiving Tournament on Tuesday, November 22nd at 7:30 vs. Montini.

The Sophomore team opens their season on Monday, November 21st at 6pm in the Elk Grove Thanksgiving Tournament vs Taft.

The Freshmen teams will start the season in the Hersey Thanksgiving Tournament on Friday, November 25th. The A's open against Elk Grove on Friday at 9am. The B's play at 10:20am, also against Elk Grove. 

Best of luck to all levels!

Our Varsity home opener is on Tuesday, December 2nd vs. Rolling Meadows at 7:30pm. See you in the gym! Go Vikes. 

Money from this fundraiser helps our program in a variety of ways. This year, we will use the funds to pay for selected team lunches/dinners, program pizza parties, and gatorade protein shakes/bars. Additionally, we will use this money for our summer league fees and summer shootouts for all levels. This year, all 66 players in our program will get a program shirt!

We really appreciate your genorosity and consideration to donate!

We encourage everyone to share this link on your social media platforms. For updates about the program, follow us on social media!

Instagram @fremdhoops

Twitter @fremdhoops

Facebook Fremd Basketball


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Amy Cox
754 days ago
Bridget Kaspar
755 days ago
Kim Harvey
755 days ago
Linda Garske
756 days ago
Nicholas Panzino
756 days ago
William Elsner

Student Supervisors

756 days ago

Go Fremd hoops!

756 days ago
Lori Seidel
756 days ago
John OBrien
756 days ago
Sharon Pociask

Hoping for a great season. Good luck and stay healthy.

757 days ago
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