Fremd Girls' Volleyball Fundraiser
$5,756.00 donated
$8,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on September 20, 2023 Campaign ended on September 20, 2023

Thank you for supporting Fremd Girls Volleyball!  Our goal each year is to provide extraordinary experiences and items for our athletes to make memories last a lifetime.  Fremd Girls' Volleyball is a family that extends beyond the court.  We would like to provide our athletes with extra Fremd Girls Volleyball spirit wear that represents our Fremd Girls' Volleyball family.  Additionally, we look to bond over meals as teams and as a program.  We would also possibly take our girls to a BIG10 college volleyball game to continue to nourish their love for the sport of volleyball.  We recognize that all of this is extra and truly appreciate your interest in our program and for helping provide opportunities that many of our girls would miss out on without your support.


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No. of Campaigns (4)
Meghan Van (on behalf of Claire Zannoni)
464 days ago
Brian Drenth (on behalf of Madison Drenth)

on behalf of Madison Drenth

464 days ago
Laura Nehf (on behalf of Elena Nehf )
465 days ago
Lisa G (on behalf of Mia and Sienna Swedo)
465 days ago
Joseph Freda (on behalf of Emily Karmazin)
465 days ago
Nicole Chepulis (on behalf of Cayla Chepulis)
465 days ago
CARRIE NAHLAWI (on behalf of Leena Nahlawi)
465 days ago
Heberto Zannoni (on behalf of Claire Zannoni)
466 days ago
Judith A (on behalf of Claire Zannoni )
466 days ago
Laura Rodriguez (on behalf of Elena Nehf)
466 days ago
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