GATE Annual Fundraiser 2023-2024
$20,147.00 donated
$18,500.00 goal
Campaign ends on November 17, 2023 Campaign ended on November 17, 2023


Dear GATE Parents,
The 2023-2024 school year has been moving along quickly, and our exceptional teachers and staff continue to go above and beyond to make sure that our kids are continuing to learn and thrive. 
However, they do need annual financial donations to provide the most supportive and enriching environment for our children. After meeting with the teachers and listening to their requests, we would need $18,500 to fully fund their requests. 
This year we are asking for a suggested donation amount of $125. For those who can, we ask an optional GOLD donation amount of $200.
Please know that any amount is sincerely appreciated and makes a difference in our program.  
In the past, we have extended a gift as a thank you for your donations. In this age of sustainability and awareness, we are foregoing the gift this year, so that 100% of the money raised can go to fund our GATE programs.
Here's a list of important items the funds will be used for this school year: 
• 6th Grade Ancient World Program
• 7th grade Midsummer Night’s Dream Field Trip
• 8th grade USC Physics Festival Field Trip
• Field trip buses (6th-8th grade - Getty Villa, Natural History Museum, Huntington Library, Museum of Tolerance)
• Substitute teachers for field trip days
• Gifted education conferences for teachers
• GATE certifications for teachers
• Brainpop
• Magazine and newspaper subscriptions
• GATE-specific teacher classroom reimbursement
• GATE-specific office supplies
• GATE-specific science materials
• 826LA Creative Writing Program
• Membeam Vocabulary Program
• Byrdseed TV subscription for all classes
All donations are tax deductible. 
Please visit our campaign website to make your donation now:
We also LOVE company matched gifts if possible. For those matching gifts, you can send a check payable to AE Wright Middle School and please indicate on the memo line: GATE Program
Mailing address:
AE Wright Middle School
Attn: Mr. Foli (GATE Program)
4029 Las Virgenes Road
Calabasas, CA 91302 
Feel free to share via email, Facebook and Twitter to spread the word and help us reach our goal.
Thank you for your continued support of our children’s education and the GATE program! 
Much thanks,
Beth Jagtiani and Alan Lazar (GATE Fundraising Chairs), Tisha Banker (AGP Chair), Mrs. Rebecca Rinaldi and Mrs. Hayley Tepper, Co-GATE Chairs


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Rachel Martinez

Catalina Martinez

404 days ago
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Jenney Kim
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405 days ago
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Happy to contribute to our amazing GATE program

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Melissa McAlevey
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