Donations to support our program are deeply appreciated. Your donation of ANY amount will make a difference! Simply click the "Give Now" button to donate any amount or choose a suggested amount from the buttons below.
Donations made at the following amounts will also receive:
Silver ($250): Autographed team poster and name listed on Goal Tender Website.
Gold ($500): All benefits of Silver PLUS social media exposure on all Goal Tender accounts and logo recognition at Gotta Dance.
Platinum ($1000): All benefits of Gold PLUS Goal Tender Baseball Cap and two general admission tickets to Gotta Dance.
Diamond ($2000): All benefits of Platinum PLUS being listed as Presenting Sponsor for one Goal Tender performance/ event and two reserved admission tickets to Gotta Dance.
Wishing y’all a wonderful year!! Can’t wait to watch you perform!
Sandy’s Dancewear is proud to support our Goaltenders!
World Class- Proud of our Emma Smith
Waco Balloon Co. As a proud alumni I love seeing the World Class Sprit live on!
So proud of you Natalie! Love, Grandma and Grandpa
Oliver Brothers Transmissions
Donation in honor of Maci White by Grammy and Pappy
Go Kait!!!