Hitting for Success

This fundraiser is for the 2022 Hoffman Estates High School boys tennis team.

$1,202.99 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 09, 2022 Campaign ended on April 09, 2022

The purpose of this fundraiser is to provide each member of the HEHS boys tennis team with a personalized dry-fit T-shirt for their accomplishments during their 2022 season. The fundraiser will also provide food for team-building days and senior recognition day.

Thank you for the support you have provided for these young athletes.

HEHS Boys Tennis Team

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$1325.5 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (8)
Vanessa Zach

Best of Luck this season!!

Eduardo Magistrado
Paresh Kapadia
Sean Armstrong

Good luck!

Kevin Beers

Lucas Pineda is a great guy and I want him to be successful in tennis

Azra Haq

To support my wonderful students (Lucas, Dhruv, Kevin, Abhi, Ohm and Yash!). They deserve the support. Best of luck boys!

Kyle Wang

To Kundan and ohm


For Ohm

Darcy Sowle
Akhil Mallajosyula
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