Our 5th grade students have the opportunity to spend 3 days and 2 nights at the Irvine Ranch Outdoor Science Camp! The program provides opportunities for self-discovery, confidence-building, and interpersonal skills. Students will be connected to science and nature through interactive, hands on activities. The bus will leave OPA-SV on Wednesday May 22nd around 8:30am and will return on Friday, May 24th during the school day. Cost per student is $475. The first payment of $100 is due by 3/8/24, and the balance of $375 is due by 5/1/24. Thank you for your contribution to our champions!
On behalf of Rodrigo Sevilla
Irvine Ranch Camp
On behalf of Max Black
Sahil Sarda deposit
Ooviya Thaiyalan's Deposit
Leilani Khan's deposit
For Irvine Ranch Outtdoor Science Camp
$100 deposit for Elaine Li's science camp.
For 5th Grade Irvine Ranch overnight trip
Deposit for Ava Krukrubo