Kindergarten - Pretend City
$2,043.40 donated
$2,081.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 01, 2024 Campaign ended on March 01, 2024

Our kindergarten classes are headed to Pretend City for exploration and play on Wednesday, February 7th! Cost per student is $25. Thank you for your contribution to our champions!

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$51554.95 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (31)

Camila Carreon

Jennifer Miller (on behalf of Miriam Miller )

Jennifer Miller-chaperone

Abhilasha Theegala (on behalf of Aksh Theegala)

For Aksh Theegala. (Ms Clinton K)

Ritsuko Maruta (on behalf of Skyler Maruta)
Tamara Nowzaree (on behalf of Scar Nowzaree)

For scarlett Nowzaree and Tami Nowzaree chaperone

Maryam Soleimankhani (on behalf of Adrian Fatehi)
Noyuri Ahn (on behalf of Emi Ahn-Fisher)
Azalia Rashidipoor (on behalf of Leah Darki)

Azalia Rashidipoor ( on behalf of Leah Darki)

sachin kumar (on behalf of Aarohi Sharma)
Jeannie Lee (on behalf of Octavia Lee)


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