LASA Yearbook Washington D.C. Field Trip

Please help us in supporting LASA Yearbook's Washington D.C. trip to the JEA/NSPA National Convention. We are keeping costs low for parents to allow more students to go and to have more fun! With that, we need your help to pay for the additional costs. Please consider donating anything you can to our trip!

$1,627.00 donated
$6,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 11, 2019 Campaign ended on October 11, 2019

LASA Yearbook has worked so hard this past year and to celebrate we will be traveling to Washington D.C. for the JEA/NSPA National Convention. Students will be competing in pre and on-site contests, work with journalism professionals, listen to speakers like Mary Beth Tinker, an advocate from the Tinker vs. Des Moines case that established students first amendment rights or Chuck Todd, moderator of "Meet the Press." Students will get to visit national monuments and sites as well. We are looking to make up $5,000 to $6,000 to help off-set the costs the parents must pay for the trip. We want to keep the costs low and the fun high! Our tax-deductible ID number is 74-6000064. 

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Gunjan Gupta
1910 days ago
1912 days ago
Assistant Editor
1913 days ago
Pravina Goradia
Assistant Editor
1913 days ago
Dan Stephenson

Favorite Niece

1915 days ago
Hina Patel
Assistant Editor
1920 days ago
Julia Alejandre

This is a great opportunity for you and I want to support you ! Also, Emma is a friend of ours.... :)

1920 days ago
Jason Kirkwood
1921 days ago
Jane & Bernie Regan
1922 days ago
Managing Editor
1923 days ago
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