I just wanted to update everyone on our first ever SkillsUSA district competition this past weekend for the District 10 SkillsUSA Skills and Leadership Competition in Waco, TX. This is the first year we have a SkillsUSA group and I'm proud to say that we placed in all but two categories we competed in (pin design and extemporaneous speaking). They worked hard to earn these wins!
*** 1st and 2nd place wins are eligible for state contest April 4-6 in Corpus Christi. ***
Thank you all for your support and donations. We are now in the planning phase for our next big contest at State in Corpus Christi, TX. Your donations so far has helped us acquire uniforms, some didtrict transportation to contest, and printing materials for projects. Our next goal is to acquire enough funds for transportation to Corpus Christi along with room and board from April 4-6.
Thank you,
Mr. Hernandez
SkillsUSA Sponser
McCallum High School
Thank you very much for all your kind donations and considerations. Uniforms have started to come in and students are excited to try them on!
Due to unforeseen additional costs such as transportation (i.e. bus), contest registration, and student meals, we will be raising our goal and extending our fundraiser date. Some funds will be provided in advance from or campus that we will then be paying back with donations. With your help we have been able to reach our uniform goal and we cannot be more appreciative for your support. The biggest struggle for a new chapter is acquiring funds needed to succeed. We hope that we can reach our new goal with your ongoing support and consideration. Please forward our fundraising link to others or post on social network. Every donation helps!
We have been practicing after school every Tuesday and Thursday preparing for contest and I'm excited to update everyone on our progress. We will be starting a #macskillsusa Instagram account soon and will update this post when it is done. Donors will be messaged directly with the update.
McCallum High School's first ever SkillsUSA chapter is in full swing and is need of competition uniforms and materials.
Students participating in McCallum's SkillsUSA chapter range from freshman to seniors and also come with a variety of knowledge and skills that are essential for success not only in SkillsUSA but also in college and beyond. Our 22 SkillsUSA members bring a wide array of talent to the team. Special skills like programming, graphic design, public speaking, general knowledge, animation and illustration, and business sense are just some of the talents our students possess along with the drive to win and succeed.
Ruby, a freshman at McCallum high found a way to re-invent herself and find a home on campus by joining SkillsUSA, “I could start over with new people and new ideas while practicing the things I love most with the people I’ve come to love.”
Other students like Joey, also a freshman at McCallum, gained new skills that would help him in his future career. “I’ve learned how to set my own goals and deadlines. I’ve developed strong time management skills which will help a lot considering I plan on becoming a professional artist.”
Help support students like Ruby and Joey by donating today.
Some of the contests our students will be competing in are: Interactive Application and Video Game Development, Web Design, Entrepreneurship, Quiz Bowl, T-shirt Design, Pin Design, Extemporaneous Speaking, and Prepared Speech.
Your support will allow for….
Our ultimate goal this year is to raise $2000 for contest attire and materials. Funds raised beyond our goal will go directly to any additional competition resources needed including funds for state contest in Corpus Christi WHEN we win at regionals!
Please help give our students the opportunity to grow as individuals building confidence and gaining real-world skills through SkillsUSA!
Please watch this short video about what SkillsUSA is and how the organization benefits our students starring “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe: https://youtu.be/coz12_TG4Zw
Thank you for your support!
Please share via email, Facebook and Twitter to help us reach our goal.
More about SkillsUSA: SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit student organization that serves students enrolled in career and technical education training programs at our nation’s public high schools and colleges. SkillsUSA’s mission is to empower its members to become world class workers and responsible American citizens.
So proud of Jordan for her hard work and dedication!
Jordan works very hard and I am proud of her!