We have a No Buying No Selling Fundraiser for Shade Structures in the courtyard!
Recently, we had to have trees removed in the courtyard due to structural damage. Our students no longer have shade during lunch or during school events and it is greatly missed!
We are raising funds for the first half of the structures. This will run approximately $33,000. Student Council is also fundraising to help fund this budget along side of us. Together we hope to raise the amount and quickly.
By donating directly to this campaign, you will help fund the project faster, therefore getting much needed shade for our students faster!
Thank you for your support!
Questions and/or comment? Send us an email to paynebooster@gmail.com
Payne JHS Booster is 501c3 non-profit organization through Chandler School Boosters. All contributions are tax deductible to the maximum extent allowed by the law. Tax ID: 35-2451830. Note: Chandler School Boosters tax donations are not affiliated with CUSD tax donations.
Shade is important!!!!
You would want to eat in the shade. So do our kids. With the year coming to an end I can't think of a better tax deduction. And don't forget any employer matching donations. They like to call those as part of our benefits, you have to use them or lose them!