Oak Hill School Fundraiser

This campaign will help to bridge a gap in the operating budget for the 2019-20 school year due to increased Austin ISD recapture payments and revised rules on which schools may receive Title I funding. Oak Hill ES’s operating budget will decrease by $70,000 during the upcoming school year. This will help us maintain items like extra reading support, field trips, educational software licenses, and classroom library updates that make Oak Hill a great place to learn.

$12,625.00 donated
$22,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on July 31, 2019 Campaign ended on July 31, 2019

As we begin the last three weeks of the school year, I’d like to start by thanking you for your commitment to your child’s education. I see the many volunteer hours, PTA meetings, and extracurricular activity helpers helping each week to make Oak Hill the best it can be.

Over the course of the year, I know that many of you have contributed to the PTA’s additional funding of Oak Hill supplemental programs via the No Hassle fundraiser or the school carnival. I’m writing you now because of a need not for PTA funding, but to bridge a gap in the operating budget for the 2019-20 school year we’ve not previously encountered. Due to increased Austin ISD recapture payments and revised rules on which schools may receive Title I funding, Oak Hill ES’s operating budget will decrease by $70,000 during the upcoming school year. While the Texas House and Senate are debating some measures that may provide some relief, there is currently no guarantee of this, nor of when help would arrive if they do agree on a new education plan.

In order to do our best to continue providing needed materials, workroom supplies, copiers, and other fundamental day-to-day needs, Oak Hill Elementary can use every family’s help in contributing $60 per student by May 31 to help raise $22,000 to bridge some of the expected shortfall. This will help us maintain items like extra reading support, field trips, educational software licenses, and classroom library updates that make Oak Hill a great place to learn. We’re working to make every dollar count - now more than ever - and at a time when the Texas school finance system is restructuring due to outdated formulas and rules, we could use the support of our parents and community to make sure the kids aren’t the ones being impacted by external events. 

While I’m hugely appreciative of any previous contributions you’ve made through our PTA’s fundraising over this past year, please understand that this request is different, and is being made specifically to fund an expected shortfall in the school’s operating budget. Your support now can prevent program interruptions or cancelations during the next school year.

If you have any specific questions regarding how budgetary changes affect Oak Hill, please feel welcome to call me at 512-414-2336. Thank you for your inspiring and ongoing support of our Oak Hill Eagles, and I wish all of you a wonderful summer with your children.


Lori Komassa

Proud Principal of Oak Hill Elementary


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Carolyn Birge
2106 days ago

I'm interested in having a good experience for all kids. Still... Government should take care of this, as we've already paid taxes, and we were expecting those to work for purposes like Education.

2106 days ago
2106 days ago
Christopher Tyler
2106 days ago
Michelle Cunningham Loudenslager

Oak Hill Elementary

2106 days ago

Anything to help out our Austin schools!

2106 days ago
Elizabeth Sowell
2106 days ago
Amanda Brown

In memory of Linda Irving, a devoted teacher and amazing mother

2106 days ago
2106 days ago
2106 days ago
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