Odyssey Literary Magazine Fund

Help us on our literary voyage! Please consider donating to James Bowie High School's literary magazine, Odyssey.

$1,365.00 donated
$1,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on February 22, 2017 Campaign ended on February 22, 2017

All of us in Bowie High School’s Literary Society are on a mission. We are working to create a literary magazine full of student writing and artwork. The finished magazine will be a comprehensive spread of student-created poetry, literary nonfiction, short stories, and artwork that showcases the great talent of Bowie’s most creative students! We are in need of funds in order to publish our magazine; we need to print on quality paper in color to properly display our artwork. We have the talent; now we need your help with the funds! Please consider helping our community of student writers to create the best literary magazine we possibly can.

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No. of Campaigns (5)
Cynthia Smith
Ordinary World
2902 days ago
Kelli Johnson

Blake Johnson

The Call to Adventure
2902 days ago
Jill Essbaum
Return with Elixir
2902 days ago
Chatt and Mattie Smith

Great opportunity to support students and education

2903 days ago
Seizing the Sword
2903 days ago
Ordinary World
2903 days ago
Cramer Kern
Return with Elixir
2903 days ago
Courtney Raymond
The Call to Adventure
2903 days ago

Literature and free expression are too important not to! Good luck!

Ordinary World
2903 days ago
Crossing the Threshold
2903 days ago
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