Original Works Fundraiser
$1,046.30 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 24, 2024 Campaign ended on October 24, 2024


Help support our champions by purchasing gifts displaying their unique artwork! These keepsakes include coffee mugs, artwork prints, ornaments, kitchen towels, and more!

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$9010.79 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (27)
Rigeria Ho (on behalf of Savanna Ho)

For Savanna Ho (Mrs. Nakaoka's Class)

Rigeria Ho (on behalf of Haven Ho)

For Haven Ho (Mrs. Rehm's Class)

Julisa Wiharso (on behalf of Abigaia Kurniawan)
Julisa Wiharso (on behalf of Julianne Kurniawan)
Andria Maes (on behalf of Weston Maes)

For Weston Maes artwork (Herbold)

Maria Hernandez (on behalf of Alonso Leon )

Alonso leon- Kinder Mrs Nakaoka art work

Shikha Mehra (on behalf of Rohil Singh)

Rohil Singh Kindergarten artwork

Erna Langaroudi (on behalf of Cyrus Langaroudi )
Karine Malzahn (on behalf of Samantha Malzahn)

Samantha Malzahn’s artwork

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