Rewarding the Best Readers in the Galaxy!

Help us Edbacker're our only hope!  Please help us reward our top readers with a field trip to go see "Star Wars: Rogue One" in January 2017.

$450.00 donated
$2,500.00 goal
Campaign ends on January 13, 2017 Campaign ended on January 13, 2017

Help us Edbacker're our only hope! Not so long ago, in a galaxy that included Casey Elementary in Austin, TX...the Casey Library Media Center wanted to reward the best readers in the galaxy with a field trip to our local movie theater to see "Star Wars: Rogue One" in early January 2017.  Our school library media center supports the Accelerated Reader (AR) reading incentive program and I am currently running a reading contest for 2nd - 5th grades. We are projecting that 250 of our top readers will earn an invitation to "AR Reward Day" in January 2017 (pending funding).  I rewarded students with a similar field trip last year and it is an experience that they never forget. This cost is $9.60 per person and includes a movie ticket and snack pack (popcorn, fruit chews, and a small drink).  Casey elementary is supporting our goal by paying for the cost of transportation which includes 3 school buses at $300.  I have contacted our local movie theater, Cinemark Southpark Meadows, and obtained all of the necessary pricing information.  Please see the link to the theater for more informaiton.

250 movie tickets and snack packs at $9.60 each = $2400

6% Edbacker platform fees = $144.00

 Total cost = $2544.00

Tax ID#: 74-60000643

*Casey Elementary is paying for the transportation (3 Austin ISD school buses) = $300.00

We would sincerely appreciate your help to reward our "best readers in the galaxy" with a field trip that they will never forget. Together we can help them become even better readers and inspire them to rule the galaxy! Thank you for your support and may the Force be with you...always!

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No. of Campaigns (6)
Carisa Space-Beam
Young Jedi Level
2983 days ago
Jedi Youngling Level
3007 days ago
Lina Villarreal

Students deserve to be rewarded when they reach their goals!

Jedi Master
3007 days ago
3010 days ago
Regie Elkins

Mack is a really good young business man and he sold me on this as a good thing to do for helping with reading in school and he really wants to go see Rogue One!

Young Jedi Level
3016 days ago
Margarita Villarreal

Helping Casey Students!

Jedi Padawan Level
3019 days ago
Yoli Garcia

Supporting Casey Readers!

Jedi Padawan Level
3019 days ago
Christina Nelson
Jedi Padawan Level
3020 days ago
Jedi Master
3020 days ago
Kathryn Elkins
Jedi Padawan Level
3022 days ago
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