Schaumburg Boys Tennis

Fundraiser for the Schaumburg Boy's Tennis Program.

$1,615.00 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 18, 2022 Campaign ended on March 18, 2022

We need your help!  This is the Schaumburg High School Boy's Tennis program fundraiser.  This year we would like to take a team trip to Sand Valley Golf & Tennis located in central Wisconsin.  Here we will have the unique opportunity to spend a day playing on Grass courts, just like at Wimbledon!  It truly is a unique opportunity for our team to bond.  

JV $935.00
Varsity $680.00
Created By
{{ userRole }}
$18396.5 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (41)
Vikki Donohue
Krushanu Joseph
Rachael Kahan

To support Anshul, Aditya and the rest of the boys tennis program!

Michael McAleer

A good cause for friends’ son. Have a great trip!

Marisol Figueroa

Hay que apoyar el deporte y a los buenos deportistas

Jorge Franco
Steve Maslan

My son is on the team

Marjorie Bottino

Always help student athletes

David Contreras

David Contreras Rodríguez

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