Schaumburg HS Cheerleading 23-24 Fundraiser
$4,330.00 donated
$8,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 30, 2023 Campaign ended on October 30, 2023


We love our Saxon Family & we can not wait to show you what we have in store this season.

The Schaumburg High School Cheerleading program is made up of dedicated athletes and coaches looking to develop well-rounded young adults through team and individual experiences.  Your donations help provide team building opportunities to build trust, custom music, entertaining choreography, and team gear that athletes keep. 

The goal is to provide these athletes with an experience that they will never forget, fundrasinig helps give us the resources to do so. Please consider helping us spread the word through social media, email, etc.

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Nicole woodrich

Go Saxons!

522 days ago
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