Help support extra programs, technology and activities at Santan Junior High School. Together we can help supply students & teachers with the tools to success. 

$5,940.00 donated
$20,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on September 21, 2018 Campaign ended on September 21, 2018

Santan Junior High School is rounding up parent & business sponsors to help our school obtain technology -increasing students access to computers.

Our school is hoping to purchase more Computer On Wheels ... or a "C.O.W", as many of our students and teachers have named them.  

A "COW" is a mobile computer cart that holds approximately 30 laptop computers. These are used so our students can access & become skilled in technology.  

SJHS has 12 teacher teams, with approximately 130 students on each team. The school has received 6 COWS over the past years from generous parent donations however, need to raise more to make it equitable in the building. A COW is approximately $20,000.

SJHS Booster Club invites parents & local sponsors to be a part of our Santan Jr High School Check-a-Thon for Technology Campaign. The school wants to collect as many checks, or donations, from around the United States. 

The money raised from this fundraiser will go directly to help what is not covered by the school budget. Together we can help support students and teachers with the tools to success.  

Thank you again for your continued support! 

Please share via email, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to spread the word and help us reach our goal. The classroom with the MOST DONATIONS will WIN a taco bell, pizza or ice cream party + a $100 gift card to the classroom teacher! 7th & 8th grade. **Please make note of your student's 3rd hour TEACHER name so we can follow the classroom progress**

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Angela Widmann

Miss Tattum’s 3rd period class. J.D. Widmann

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