Help Student Pirates Advocating for Representation and Kindness at Palatine High School in our efforts to raise money in order to host school wide events to raise awareness and bring light to important topics. We will also be working with Feed My Starving Children this year as a way to give back to those in need. Throughout the year we host events and share information about topics related to Latinx Heritage, LGBTQ History, Domestic Violence Awareness, Sexual Assault Awareness, Indigenious Heritage, Mental Health support, and more. Each semester we also host a school wide event that helps to bring together members of the community as resources with our students and student clubs. We will be hosting our Fall Wellness, Identity, and Culture Fair on Friday, November 3rd and our Spring SPARK Culture Fest on Friday, April 26th. Thank you for your support and contributions in order to make these events happen and helping us SPARK change!!
Keep doing the great work for our students and community!