Support Austin ISD's Libraries
$1,969.68 donated
$12,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on August 31, 2025 Campaign ended on August 31, 2025

Help support Austin ISD’s Libraries! Our libraries are the hearts of our schools and with increasingly thin budgets, librarians are working hard to keep them beating. Library budgets vary widely across the district: some schools are well-funded, while others receive $0. Help us enable all Austin ISD libraries to buy new books and ebooks while also providing author visits, special programming, book giveaways, and Makerspace and STEM initiatives. Additionally, we need your help to update library furniture and physical spaces, and to attend conferences and professional training. Show your support with a donation!

You may send your donation to a specific school library by including the campus name in the “notes” section of your donation. Without a campus name indicated in the “notes” section, your donation will go first to the fund for all libraries and then will be distributed to campuses based on a mini-grant application process

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$1969.68 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (2)
Rhanatah Harrison

This donation is for my incredible Aunt Stacey, who has been focused on education and books her whole life and career. Happy Holidays!

1 Ozobot (student-friendly robot kit)
8 days ago
10 days ago
12 days ago
a day of professional development for 1 librarian
13 days ago
Jennifer Ballow
1 new library-bound book for a school’s physical library collection
15 days ago
Shannon Pearce

Austin ISD Libraries are doing amazing things every day to support students' learning and well-being. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

15 days ago
1 new library-bound book for a school’s physical library collection
15 days ago
a day of professional development for 1 librarian
15 days ago
Laurie E

Libraries rock!

16 days ago
Rachel Zindler
1 new library-bound book for a school’s physical library collection
17 days ago
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