MacJournalism gives to the McCallum community 365 days of the year, now is your chance to give back. By posting on our Instagram and website daily as well as producing six print issues of the year, MacJ is always working to inform our community.
But the impact of our program goes beyond that. MacJ connects the school. We cover all disciplines of the school from the Fine Arts Academy to athletic departments to student clubs. Our goal is to highlight the work of all of the diverse programs McCallum has to offer.
In order to provide our campus with a reliable, digestible and relevant news via The Shield, The Shield Online and @MacJournalism, our nationally-recognized program would like your help.
Your generous contributions will help MacJ by:
We ❤️ MACJ
Kevin Coward, Shield photographer 1974-1976, Knight Editor 1975, 1976.
Asterisk proudly supports Mac Journalism.
Wanted to MacJ over the goal.
go macj!!!