Every other year the Bogle Boosters hold a check-a-thon or other fundraiser to raise money for our wonderful teachers, staff and community. This is that year! This year in addition to accepting checks or cash we have this wonderful crowdfunding option. With the living tree option, credit/debit cards are accepted and we thought this may make it easier for our supporters.
Our goal this year is $5000, but more sure wouldn't hurt.
Throughout the year we use the funds we raised by making sure our teachers have a bite to eat during those long parent teacher conference days, a festive treat before heading off to winter break, and showing them love during staff appreciation week, Snacks for AZ merit testing, adding additional activities at events like Fall frenzy, and new this year a $200.00 scholarship Bogle alumni who attended Bogle for 2 years, and are graduating from a CUSD high school this year, starting our new Dad's Club, assisting our Bogle teachers purchase supplies to facilitate our new W.I.N. program, We will also be focusing on campus beautification, those plans are still in the works and we can't get started on that.
Thank you for supporting Bogle Boosters!
Always supportive of helping to improve the educational process.
Good Luck!!
To support the best grandson ever!
Coolest teacher ever