SV 7th Grade - Catalina Island Field Trip
$38,068.07 donated
$40,180.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 10, 2023 Campaign ended on March 10, 2023


OPA-SV 7th graders will visit Catalina Island from March 13th - March 15th for an exciting and educational hands-on academic experience! Students will have the opportunity to participate in countless activities on the island. Teachers will provide additional details as well as a trip itinerary.  Cost per student is $490. A deposit of $245 is due on Monday, February 13th (or you may pay the full amount). The final payment of $245 is due on Monday, February 27th. Thank you for supporting our champions!

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{{ userRole }}
$51472.34 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (31)
mia tinio (on behalf of Hannah Tinio)

Final payment go Hannah TINIO

Justino De la o (on behalf of Allison De la O)

Allison De la O Payment.

Oralia Berardino (on behalf of Julia Berardino)

Julia Berardino Final Payment

Sarah Warner (on behalf of Lucas Warner)

Lucas Warner

freshta ali (on behalf of arzo akram)

on behalf of Arzo Akram

Rana Baalbaki (on behalf of Ali Kabbout)

on behalf on Ali kabbout

Sabina Seidakhmetova (on behalf of Alanseit Mukhituly)
Fernando SERRATOS (on behalf of Angelica SERRATOS)

Cookie serratos Catalina payment 2

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