Welcome to the Sun Valley Spartans Women's LAX 2021 page. Your generous support of our team's fundraiser will help us to provide the best possible experience for our players. Each season, we budget for team travel, practice equipment, uniforms, and much more. By meeting our financial goal, we will continue to develop as players and as a team. Thank You for your Support!
Our 2020 Fundraiser allowed us to purchase 2 new game Goals, travel expences and athlectic gear for the players.
Please share this webpage with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or through email. All of your donations are tax deductible. Thanks in advance for your support. Go SPARTANS!
Megan will miss playing lacrosse with everyone next year.
Brelee Martin
Already excited for next year!
Was so much fun watching this team. We will always remember Olivia Batistas freshman year, and will miss the seniors next season. Good Luck Ladies and thanks for a great season!!
It's been a fun year! Thanks for the memories, SVHS lady laxers!
Lilly Harvey