The Patrons of Music Education Fund (PMEF) is a tax-deductible direct donation fund (501C IRS Code is #23-7439989) that ensures the continued award-winning excellence of our Band, Jazz Band, Strings & Choir programs.  The PMEF supports sheet music, instrument repairs, instrument purchases, music specialists to work with our students (cello, woodwind, brass, percussion), our choir’s piano accompanist and so much more because the Las Virigines Unified School District has resources to fund only teachers' salaries and a limited amount of music education's needs.

Make you contribution today to add your name to the list of our very generous PMEF patrons.

$10,236.00 donated
$30,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on June 30, 2022 Campaign ended on June 30, 2022

October 2021

Dear Patrons of LCMS Music Students,

Lindero Canyon Middle School (LCMS), known throughout Southern California for its award- winning music program, established the Patrons of Music Education Fund (PMEF) in 1994.  The Music Boosters established this tax-deductible direct donation fund (501C IRS Code is #23-7439989) at the request of LCMS families who wanted to contribute financially for continued program excellence. 

Unfortunately, the Las Virgenes Unified School District (LVUSD) has limited funds for performing arts classes.  LVUSD pays only for teacher salaries and basic equipment, such as the stands and chairs. In addition to concert ticket sales, we rely on your voluntary generosity to fund everything else -  music, instrument repairs, instrument purchases, music specialists to work with our students (cello, woodwind, brass, percussion), our choir’s piano accompanist and so much more.  Most schools request a $250 per-student participation fee.  LCMS does not.  Therefore, each year we are challenged to raise additional funds to supplement our concert ticket sales.  To keep our programs outstanding, we must appeal to you for your support.

The PMEF is open to anyone that wants to support LCMS music education. That means not only you, but grandparents, extended family, friends, colleagues and businesses can also contribute to the PMEF throughout the year.  We understand that the pandemic has challenged all of our finances, so we want to offer you the opportunity to make even the smallest contribution that you can afford. Hopefully that will be at least $10, but if you can afford more you know it will be credited to our always daily and unexpected needs.  In fact if you would like to make a small recurring contribution you can do that as well – let’s say $10 a month throughout the school year.  Perhaps with your enthusiastic encouragement you can rally other contributors to help us reach the ideal of a $250 per student goal

In the past we have engraved contributors’ names on a memorial plaque. Unfortunately, this kind of acknowledgement has become very cost prohibitive.  We have decided that we will publish the names of all contributors in our seasonal and finale concert programs and offer instead reserved seats:

Conductor ($250-$499; 4 seats),   G Clef ($500-999.99; 6 seats) and Composer ($1,000+; 8 seats) patrons. 

You can use PMEF listing to honor or to memorialize special people in your lives, including honoring your child’s achievements at LCMS.

This year we will be once again be Livingtree - the designated LVUSD passthrough for fundraising campaigns.  If you can add the service fee 2.1% plus $.30 transaction fee to your contribution it will be greatly appreciated.

For matching donations from employers, parents should use their company’s provided form.  They should earmark Lindero Canyon Music.  If parents need to provide an accounting code. It would be 01.0 - 00000.0 - 10001 - 27007 - 4350 - 3020000.  That is the code for your music donation account maintained at the District.  The name of the organization should be sufficient.  Depending on what their specific employer needs, they might need to list Las Virgenes Unified School District, and then specify LCMS Music.

If you choose to pay by check, please make check’s payable to LCMS and put the child’s name and music program in the memo.  Please attach a note regarding how you would like your name or tribute listed in the program.  Mail the check to Lindero Canyon Middle School, 5844 Larboard Lane, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (Attn, Music), or have your child give it to his or her music teacher. We will acknowledge all donations beginning in the Winter Concert program (if received by December 1, 2021).

Your enthusiastic support for our students is contagious. Please invite your family and friends to our enjoy our concert series. Our concerts are also a great opportunity for them to contribut to the PMEF.


Matt McKagan, Band Director

Shaniee Kennedy, Strings/Choir Director



Winter Concert, Part III - Thursday, December 16 at 7:00 PM

Spring Concert at Agoura High School PAEC - Thursday, March 10 at 6:30 PM

Band Finale Concert, Part IV -  Thursday, May 26 at 7:00 PM


Winter Concert, Part II - Wednesday, December 15 at 7:00 PM

Spring Concert - Wednesday, March 23 at 7:00 PM

Band Finale Concert, Part III - Wednesday, May 25 at 7:00 PM


"First Band Concert” 1st period - Wednesday, January 19 at 7:00 PM                                      

"First Band Concert” 5th period - Thursday, January 20 at 7:00 PM                                   

Band Finale Concert, Part I - Wednesday, May 18 at 7:00 PM

Jazz Bands

Jazz Band “B”

Winter Concert Part I - Tuesday, December 14 at 7:00 PM

Jazz Nite - Wednesday, Feb 9 at 5:30 PM

Finale Concert Part II -  Monday, May 23 at 7:00 PM

Jazz Band “A”

Winter Concert Part I - Tuesday, December 14 at 7:00 PM

Jazz Nite - Wednesday, February  9 at 5:30

Finale Concert Part II - Monday, May 23 at 7:00 PM


Advance Orchestra/Choir -   Monday, December 13

Beginning Strings - Thursday, January 13

Fiddle Fest - Tuesday, March 15

Choir Fest - Wednesday, March 16

Finale Concert Strings/Choir - Thursday May 19





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Thank you for all of your hard work!

Patty Ganner (on behalf of Dylan Ganner None )
Miriam Erberich (on behalf of Lucy n/a)
Mike & Christina Gertz (on behalf of Brandon Gertz )
Jennifer Orona (on behalf of Charis )


Justine Medeiros

LCMS Music Education offers the most outstanding and award-winning Band, Jazz Band, Strings and Choir programs in Souther California. We have been avid supporters since 1992!

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