UNHP Boys and Girls Middle School Soccer

Both the UNHP Boys and Girls Middle soccer teams would love your support in helping the program grow more. The funds will be used for new equipment, uniforms, backpacks, transportation and league requirements. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.

$970.00 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 04, 2022 Campaign ended on March 04, 2022

Both the UNHP Boys and Girls Middle School soccer teams would love your support in helping the program grow more. Both teams are doing well in training and are so excited for their season to start. This year, they are using the LivingTree campaign for donations to their program. The funds will be used for new equipment, uniforms, backpacks, transportation and league requirements. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Make sure you come cheer them on!

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$1570 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (10)
Francine Ly

Have fun!!

1027 days ago
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