We Love Our Blackshear!

Our goal is to purchase Blackshear spirit shirts for all students and staff members at the beginning of the 2021-22 school year!

$3,000.00 donated
$3,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 16, 2021 Campaign ended on May 16, 2021

We love our Blackshear!

We are eager to see all of our friends back at Blackshear for the 2021-22 school year. Help us keep a tradition alive. For the past years, our PTA has been able to provide t-shirts for all of our students and staff members. 

The pandemic has made this difficult. We want to start the school year with everyone ready and able to show off their school pride. 

Our goal is to earn $3000.00. Once we meet our goal, we will celebrate with a school-wide pajama day or a crazy hair day! The students will decide. 

Funds earned from this fundraiser (April 23 - May 16) will go towards the purchase of spirit wear. If we surpass our goals, the extra funds will be placed in our Enrichment Activity Fund. 

Our tax ID Number is 74-6000064

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Allie McBeth
Jerry Rincon
Angela Wolf
Julie Cefalu

Education is so important and we love supporting our grandchildren!

Lucy Begg

We love our Blackshear community!

Juanita Rodriguez

We Love Blackshear

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