We're back! McCallum High School SkillsUSA 2019-2020 Fund

The second year of McCallum High School's first ever SkillsUSA chapter is in full swing! We have new members and competing in new contests! We are in need of competition uniforms and materials. SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit student organization that serves students enrolled in career and technical education training programs at our nation’s public high schools and colleges. SkillsUSA’s mission is to empower its members to become world class workers and responsible American citizens.

$2,500.00 donated
$3,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on January 13, 2020 Campaign ended on January 13, 2020


SkillsUSA is back at MAC!

The award-winning SkillsUSA McCallum chapter is back and better than ever! Last year we dominated at district contests, placing first in web design, digital illustration, and game design, second in Quiz Bowl, and third in T-shirt design. Many students progressed to the state competition where we placed first in digital illustration and second in web design. We are back for our second year and ready to go all the way to nationals!

Last year we couldn’t have made it as far as we did without your support. This year we are aiming to be the best. Since the last membership year, our beloved club has grown providing us with an abundance of talent and potential. Because our McCallum chapter has expanded, the costs to compete have increased as well. We will need more funds in order to get to competition. 

Please help us reach our full potential by donating whatever you can!

These donations will go towards paying for:

  • our uniforms
  • transportation
  • various contest materials

You can donate through this website and see the progress toward our goal.

As a SkillsUSA member myself, it is safe to say that this club has saved my life and the lives of other students as well. High school is hard, but it is opportunities like this club that have given me hope. Last year when it seemed like it wouldn’t get better, there was always SkillsUSA. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30-6:00 (and sometimes 8:00) we would congregate in Mr. Hernandez’s room to prepare for our contests. Together we lift each other up and help each other out. The people in this club are like a second family to me. SkillsUSA is more than a club, it is a community. 

Please help us get to contest by donating and spreading the word! Your support is what makes this club possible. Thank you for giving us this opportunity!



McCallum SkillsUSA Club member


Our ultimate goal this year is to raise $2000 for contest attire and materials. Funds raised beyond our goal will go directly to any additional competition resources needed including funds for state contest in Corpus Christi WHEN we win at regionals!

Please help give our students the opportunity to grow as individuals building confidence and gaining real-world skills through SkillsUSA!

Please watch this short video about what SkillsUSA is and how the organization benefits our students starring “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe: https://youtu.be/coz12_TG4Zw

Thank you for your support!

Please share via email, Facebook and Twitter to help us reach our goal.

More about SkillsUSA: SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit student organization that serves students enrolled in career and technical education training programs at our nation’s public high schools and colleges. SkillsUSA’s mission is to empower its members to become world class workers and responsible American citizens.

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1887 days ago
Maryellen Bruno

1887 days ago
Alex Kim
1890 days ago
Beth Puorro Miscellaneous Rentals

For Jordan

Official SkillsUSA Blazer
1892 days ago
John Turner
1892 days ago
Mary Hogan

So thoughtful of you Jordan to want your Christmas gift donated to your fundraising efforts for your SkillsUSA group. You are a special young lady best of luck to you! Jim & Mary Hogan

1903 days ago
Paul Kuzmich
1904 days ago
Julie Kopp

To support a great group of young adults who are learning extremely valuable skills and adding beneficial experiences to their lives. Many thanks to Mr. James Hernandez at McCallum High School for leading this fine group of individuals!

Official SkillsUSA Blazer
1912 days ago
Pam Bilbrey
1912 days ago
Joanna Fried

We believe that the youth of today have greater opportunities when developing skills at an earlier age!

1916 days ago
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