Dawson Elementary School

The Austin Independent School District is the heart of public education in Austin, Texas—a city of ideas and innovation that tops the nation's rankings of the best communities in which to work and live.
  • District Approved
    Created by Dawson Elementary School

    Austin ISD Gives - Dawson Elem...

    Give Today to Support Dawson Elementary School Become part of a new tradition of giving by supporting Dawson...
  • District Approved
    Created by Dawson Elementary School

    Austin ISD Gives - Dawson Elem...

    Give Today to Support Dawson Elementary School Become part of a new tradition of giving by supporting Dawso...
  • District Approved
    Created by Mollie Dawson Elementary School

    Math Attack!

    Blended learning is part of our day as we build our math fluency across the grade levels. Help us fund this en...
  • District Approved
    Created by Pleasant Hill Elementary

    5th Grade Field Trip

    We are hoping to raise funds to send our 5th grade students to McKinney Roughs ropes course. This will be an e...