Kids Run the OC Shirts
$505.87 donated
$300.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 31, 2023 Campaign ended on May 31, 2023

If you would like to purchase a shirt for your KROC runner, the cost is $10.50. Thank you for supporting our champions!

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$51554.95 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (31)
Zheng Yu (on behalf of Weishang Yu)

KROC shirt

Zheng Yu (on behalf of Weili Yu)

KROC shirt

Trisha Sullivan (on behalf of Landon Sullivan)

Landon Sullivan

Yoolim Shin (on behalf of Edison & Logan Shin )

KROC race shirt for Liam GQ.

Naoko Maekawa (on behalf of Caden and Dylan Maekawa-Tu)

For Caden and Dylan

Myriam Reyes (on behalf of Dominic Reyes)

Dominic Reyes Race

Ernawati Langaroudi (on behalf of Cyrus & Sina Langaroudi )

Cyrus & Sina Langaroudi


Aneesh saravanan donation amount

Anthony Suh (on behalf of Elune and Nova Suh)
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