Kids Run the OC Shirts
$505.87 donated
$300.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 31, 2023 Campaign ended on May 31, 2023

If you would like to purchase a shirt for your KROC runner, the cost is $10.50. Thank you for supporting our champions!

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Created By
{{ userRole }}
$51554.95 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (31)
Karine Malzahn (on behalf of Samantha Malzahn)

For Samantha Malzahn

Wailei Chu (on behalf of Edward Lee)

For Edward Lee

Wailei Chu (on behalf of Cadence Lee)

For Cadence Lee

James Chien (on behalf of Marcus and Jocelyn Chien)
Susan Rahyar (on behalf of Remy Rahyar)

For Remy Rahyar

Ashley Lin (on behalf of Claire & Chloe Ho)
shivnath ganesan (on behalf of Ashwin Ganesan)
Shannon Schafer (on behalf of Kaia Schafer Walker Schafer)
Vincent Ponticello (on behalf of Olivia Ponticello)

Olivia Ponticello

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